Request a Quote Business Name*Service Type* Air Ocean ICM Your Name*Phone*FaxEmail* Bill to:*Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Pick Up Location*Pick Up AddressPick Up City*State*Zip*Delivery Location*Delivery AddressDelivery City*State*Zip*Pieces*Weight** Actual Pounds Actual Kilos CHARGES ASSESSED ON BASIS OF WEIGHT OR MEASURE WHICHEVER IS GREATERAGX USES A FACTOR OF 225 CUBIC INCHES EQUALS 1 POUNDDimensions of Freight:* Inches Centimeters Quantity*Length*Width*Height*QuantityLengthWidthHeightQuantityLengthWidthHeightQuantityLengthWidthHeightQuantityLengthWidthHeightQuantityLengthWidthHeight OCEAN SHIPMENTS: CHARGES WILL BE ASSESSED BY WEIGHT OR MEASURE, WHICHEVER IS GREATER*Converting from cubic meters to kilograms is essentially calculating an object's weight from its volume. Since density of object/freight can vary AGX uses the following assumptions for its weight/measure comparisons. 1 CBM = 363 KILOS OR 800 POUNDS 1 CBM = 35.314 CUBIC FEET THE TOTAL QUOTE AMOUNT IS BASED ON THE STATED SHIPPING CONDITIONS. CHANGES TO THESE CONDITIONS MAY CAUSE THE PRICE TO BE ADJUSTED. CHARGES AVAILABLE ON THE AGX WEBSITE WITHIN 24 HRS OF COMPLETION OF SERVICE. Special Services: Inside Liftgate Two-Man Unpack Packing Trash Removal Residential Hotel School Convention Cntr Hazardous COD/Food Air-ride Truck Time-Specific Declared Value AGX Residential service is 1st Threshold (Front Door / Garage). Please see document for complete Residential Service Guidelines. Please explain items above/Special InstructionsName or Authorization Number required for special services: Disclaimer: This quote is valid for a period of seven (7) days. Quote number must be referenced on pickup or delivery alert. Rate based on weight and dimensions given at time of quote. Any discrepencies at time of pickup or delivery will be noted and customer will be notified to ensure proper billing/routing. Handling All Your Cartage Needs Get a Quote Points Served Fuel Surcharge To Ensure Proper Invoice, please provide Quote Tag number upon pickup or delivery requests when sent to our Dispatch team